South Africa winners EU Nations junior women Tournament
EU Nations women
1. 5. 2022

South Africa winners EU Nations junior women Tournament

​The Czech Water Polo Federation organized as usual international tournament EU Nations cup.

In the first tournament, junior teams from eleven countries fought against each other for a trophy.
This tournament was held from 29th of April to 1th of May in Brno´s pool in Lužánky. The South Africa team became the winner, Czech Republic took second place, and the team of the England took third place.
There were three individual prices given at the tournament as well. After the decision of coaches:
The most valuable player was chosen Iva Drnková from Czech Republic.
The best goalkeeper was chosen Natálie Remišová from Czech Republic.
The third price that has been given to the England player Harriet Dickens, The top scorer with 31 goals in 5 games.

Fotogalerie: EU Nations Junior Women WU17
